Bembidion (Ochthedromus) americanum Dejean 1831
According to Lindroth (1963) found on "gravelly soil near water where there is sparse vegetation of Eleocharis and Carex." I [Erwin] have collected it also on sandy silt along a river in Texas. One adult in USNM was found eating a mosquito larva. The beetles are fully winged and fly quite well; often taken in light traps. Only two examples were collected on the Island, in 1905 and 1906 (HSB). No teneral specimens seen. The adults were collected in April and August. Hibernation takes place in the adult stage. Total length, 5.0 to 6.0 mm (5.5).
Synonyms: Bembidium Americanum, Dejean, 1831; Bembidion illini, Casey, 1918